DUST: The Plates of the Present is a collective photo installation set up by French painter Thomas Fougeirol and American artist Jo-ey Tang. Made up of 1031 photograms produced by approximately 100 artists, DUST is a grandiose collective work that pays homage to a rapidly disappearing form of image. edition.studio participated both as a guest artist and as designer-in-charge of the exhibition catalog and leaflet. The catalog is the archive of the photographic collection acquired by the Pompidou Center in 2019 and exhibited there from October 21st, 2020, to March 22nd, 2021. Featuring each piece of work from the 136 contributing artists presented in a series of spreads, the cover of the book was printed using silver ink on grey paper, revealing a view of the darkroom in the covers flap.
| Credits | Exhibition Curators: Florian Ebner with Thomas Fougeirol and Jo-ey Tang / Exhibition Catalog + Leaflet: Victoire Coyon and Adrien Menard / Photography: Cecilia Laulanne and Bertrand Prévot / Prepress: Arwed Messmer / Publisher: Spector Book