In 2017, Nike moved its New York City headquarters to 855 6th Avenue. WSDIA worked in close collaboration with Michael Spoljaric (Senior Creative Director, Nike Global Basketball) to implement all environmental branding components in the space. The custom typeface named Garden was designed especially for wayfinding and signage of the Nike NYHQ. Garden is an exploration of strict rhythm. On the same principles as a monospace typeface, Garden is a “threespace” with all characters fitting within bounding boxes made of one, two, or three units. The result is a font creating surprising horizontal rhythms and vertical alignments. A set of icons are also included within the font to simplify the design process.
| Credits | Creative Direction: Nike⋅Michael Spoljaric / Art Direction: WSDIA⋅Jonathan Jackson / Custom Typeface + Signage:⋅Adrien Menard / Project Manager: Jeni Reetz / Photography: Floto+Warner